- Read a devotional. I know. I said I was going to wake up and read my Bible. But my Bible was downstairs. And my devotional was next to my bed.
- Sent some sponsorship letters. My intention yesterday was to immediately begin my writing (I'm working on a second novel) following my Bible reading (which, revised, turned into devotional reading). But once I was through with the devotional, I was thinking about my trip this summer. Oh, you haven't heard? I'm planning on going with a missions team to Peru. My original intention was to fund the trip myself, completely. I still may end up doing that. But I also realized that if some people truly wanted to be a part of what awesome stuff we were doing, then maybe it wasn't a terrible thing to let them know I'd be open to receiving their gift. And besides, the donations are tax deductible. I'd been praying about it and thinking about it, so immediately after my devotional, I logged on to facebook and sent some letters to some people. Not a ton (I have 360 facebook friends--how cool is that? 360!), but enough to get a feel for how the sponsorship thing is going. Regardless of whether I have outside contributors or not, I know God is going to do some incredible things in Peru this summer. I can't wait!
- Went for a run. A six miler! And oh, wow, it was the most perfect running weather imaginable. The temperature was lovely. The wind was gentle and refreshing. It never rained, but it was overcast and cool... and just an all around great time. Time, as in, experience. My actual time was 59 minutes, which isn't particularly impressive, but as I usually run about 9 minute miles in 5ks, 59 minutes isn't awful for me.
- Finished writing a chapter in said book. (After a shower) I got to work (in my robe and a tee-shirt), hunkered down, and banged out the rest of a chapter that I'd been stuck on.
- Sent a query. I'm still querying for my first novel, in hopes of obtaining representation.
- Received a rejection. And this, of course, would be why I'm still querying.
- Had a cheesesteak on whole wheat from WaWa. Yum.
- Wrote a Student Learning Map. Even though I never use maps (for anything), our district creates student learning maps for the kids. So since we're starting a new unit tomorrow, I went into school and put in a few hours looking at the concepts we'd decided to focus on with our next unit and wrote the student learning map. Before bed, I need to review the first act of what I'll be teaching (Caesar... at least, having taught it three years in a row, I could pretty much spout out the abbreviated version of the plot on demand...)
- Reread the first act of The Importance of Being Earnest. I love this play! I've been waiting for an opportunity to teach it. I ordered it the year before last, but for various reasons haven't worked it into the curriculum yet. This year I decided to do it with my honors sections. So excited. I was reading it alone in my classroom and laughing out loud. Sadly, many of my students don't share my excellent sense of humor...
- Made a billion copies and hand-stapled them all. I know, it hardly seems like blog worthy material, but until you've tackled a copier in a public school system, I maintain that you've never really tasted danger! Or, something like that. Seriously. The copier breaks every other time you go to use it. Or jams itself up and refuses to cooperate. I went all in and even attempted double-sided copies, and, must have been my day: not a single problem. Unless, of course, you count not having a staple function as a problem. I stood and hand-stapled everything for probably a good twenty minutes. But it was cool; I fit some prayer time in.
- Played on facebook. What day would be complete without doing so? ("Complete," you say, or "productive for a change"?)
- Went grocery shopping. Totally boring, but I had to do it. Also, I feel that I forgot many items, so I'll probably have to go again before the end of the week.
- Checked the weather channel approximately 800 times. In my defense, it's not everyday that you have dream running weather (close to 60 degrees) during the day, followed by winter weather advisories in the evening. Umm, if we had a delay or closing tomorrow, that would officially make this my second favorite week of all time. (The first being the week that Kaliah was born. That was a long, long, LONG pregnancy. And holding my baby girl in my arms for the first time? Priceless). But yeah. Unexpected day off/delay following spring temeratures during the daytime would be pretty much like having my cake and eating it too... and by the way, I don't get that expression. What the heck else are you SUPPOSED to do with cake if you don't eat it? Hmmm?
And now, I'm back in my robe, blogging, and dreaming about a delay tomorrow. (I know. But you can't sit cake in front of me and expect me not to salivate. I just don't have that kind of will power.)
Go snow!
So did you get a delay? Most schools up our way were on a 2 hour delay. My kids were already off. They have a six day weekend, tomorrow being the last day off because of in-service, and conference days. I keep thinking why do we never plan a getaway for this week?
ReplyDeleteYep, totally got a delay! Two extra hours... niiiice.
ReplyDeleteSix day weekend? Wow! That is crazy, in an awesome way! :) You should definitely plan a getaway next year.