Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thanks, Abe and George!

A big shout out to the dead presidents who keep me home from school tomorrow!

In all seriousness, we enjoy many freedoms and priviledges that should not be taken lightly, and I know this. Also, the gentlemen we honor on Presidents' Day deserve to be recognized as more than yet another reason that kids have off from school.

Despite this, in this particular moment... I am so, so, SO glad for a day off tomorrow.

So, once again, a big shout out to Abe and George.

You see... I've been so BUSY lately. I know, so have you. So has everyone. But I've gotta be honest, my days have been so jam packed, it's like there's not enough time to even blink, or breathe. Forgive the lame use of hyperbole, but seriously... I'm in definite need of a day off tomorrow.

The idea of having a full day in which I'm not obligated to do anything or be anywhere is beyond exciting. Of course, I'll end up filling it with unexciting yet necessary tasks, such as cleaning, grading, and lesson planning. But there will also be time. Glorious, glorious time.

Time to sleep in. Time to read the Bible. Time to read just for the sake of reading (knocked out Things Fall Apart, by the way. Terribly sad, but a moving novel all the same. Totally get why it's a classic). Time to write. Yes, please, I am DESPERATE for time to write!

Since the Winter Writing Retreat, when I left so inspired and determined, I've found almost no time for writing. I don't know how that happens, but I'm pretty sure it's not unique to me and my writing. I think so many times, when we resolve to do something for ourselves, something we really enjoy, and especially after we've had a taste of doing that something, and are particularly encouraged, this little thing called "life" happens.

And then there are meetings to go to. And homework to sit and supervise as your child attempts to complete it. And stuff to bake. And a little thing called a career. And bedtime stories, and ballet practices, and doctor's appointments, and, and, and...

And the list goes on and on. And whatever it was, that thing that you do just for you (and for me, it's my writing)... it slowly falls by the wayside.

So here I sit, a month after the retreat. Knowing how shamefully few words I've written since I left, so ready to write on and on and on. I suppose it will be a constant struggle, because there won't be any more hours added to the day any time soon.

But I've got to prioritize. And no, my writing cannot come before my daughter. It can't come before God and the hours I put forth serving my church. It can't come before my job. If this means I'll never be published, I suppose I'll just have to accept that now.

But here's the thing--I love writing enough that though it can't be number one, it can make itself onto my list of daily must-dos. It's like 90% of my struggles on this planet... I've just got to get more organized. I've got to get a plan.

As an experiment: I'm going to start setting my alarm one and a half hours earlier. My Bible reading, which is now jammed in either at lunch time, or the end of the day, will now come first, in the extra half an hour. My writing will follow, and then I'll resume my regular schedule.

We'll see how it goes. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a morning person. But it would do me good to start the day looking at how God wants to speak with me. And to write everyday would help me stay fresh in my work, instead of having to reread everything I wrote before I'm able to continue writing, since it's been so long I can't even remember what I wrote!

Will it work? Time will tell. I won't be afraid to fail... because failure is just another part of life. But I also won't be afraid to try. There is a season for everything... and I'm feeling like I'm due for a change.

And thankfully, tomorrow, with all it's beautifully clean white slatedness, will be the perfect lazy day to implement my plan!

The true test, of course, will follow.


  1. Have a wonderfully relaxing day! You sound like you need it even more than I do. This is the first Presidents' Day I don't have to work ... probably since I was in school. I took off so Jus and I could go celebrate our 4th anniversary in Atlantic City with Bally's "Eat, Play & Get Lucky" package. *wiggles eyebrows*

  2. Um, sounds like PURE AWESOMENESS! Hope you guys have a fabulous time! Happy Presidents' Day! ;)

  3. Sounds like a plan Jen! Good for you for being willing to get up an hour and a half earlier! Unfortunately, no matter how much I complain about not having enough time, my sleep is one thing I am not willing to sacrifice. I just try to cram it all in!

  4. Hey, everybody's got that one thing they can't let go! If sleep is yours, there ain't nothin' wrong with that!

    I haven't had to do it for real, yet, since Monday I had the day off and today we had a delay. I think the true test will be tomorrow... wish me luck!

