Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello, 2011!

Look at my beautiful daughter, racing into the New Year!

(She's number 132 in the purple. Just in case you didn't know.)

Check out that unbridled joy on her face. Note that this is the begining of her race--she's not smiling because the end is finally in sight, like an unnamed runner from yesterday's post.

By the way, I finished third in my age group. With a time of 28:28, which is far from my best. I'm kinda glad the clock wasn't up, for whatever reason, yesterday. That probably would have dampened my spirits.

But today--what's to be sad about? Nothing, if you are looking at the smile on my little girl's face. Seriously, doesn't it just melt your heart? I bet it would melt even the Grinch's tiny, shriveled heart. You know. Pre-Saving-Christmas, Whoville-Loving, Grinch. The mean one. Even the grumpiest Grinch would have a change of heart in my daughter's presence.

Well. Until she opens her mouth and starts asking fifty bazillion questions, anyway. :)

So on a related note--my legs HURRRRT today. It's what I get for not exercising all month before yesterday's 5k.

Exercise--there's a nice transition for the final segment of today's blog. I'm not great at New Year's Resolutions. I usually make a few half-hearted attempts to lose weight or get more organized or be a better person in general. Traditionally, I blow all my resolutions by the end of January. Anybody else out there with me?

At church this year, one of our Pastors suggested looking at three areas of your life and setting a goal for improvement in each one: Physical, Spiritual, and Relational. That seems doable, even for a Resolution Reject such as myself.

1. Physical--By the end of 2011, I'd like to finish a 5k in the 26es. This goal should be fairly attainable, as long as I get back into my regular running routine soon. I'm not much for jogging in cold weather, but if I can force myself to do it even once every other week, I shouldn't have lost too much ground by the time spring rolls around.

2. Spiritual--I have a goal for this area that is somewhat private. It's kind of big, and I don't want to look stupid if I fail. :) So while I will be sharing it with a few people so that I can feel like I'm being held accountable, I'll hold off on posting it online.

3. Relational--I want to be more patient. I tend to be able to do this with my students, or co-workers, or even friends. But with my closest family members, I tend to lose my temper and snap more easily. I am especially harsh with my daughter and grandmother at times. So I am going to count to ten before I open my mouth when I'm in a situation in which I tend to get angry quickly, and ask myself--is this really a big deal? Is what you're going to say going to hurt feelings? Does it have to be said? If it does, can you phrase it nicely?

So there are my three (well... two and a half, since I didn't really divulge number two...) What are yours? Are you good at keeping resolutions? Or lousy, like myself?


  1. Happy New Year, my dear! Kaliah is such a cutie. Great resolutions. I usually try to avoid the cliche "lose weight" one, but it can't be helped this year - I need to fit back into my piratey gown for the wedding!!

  2. You can dooooooo it! And when is this wedding?? Do we have a date yet?
